Barrel Saunas Kits
Saunas have a history of inducing relaxation in humans. Once only a Nordic tradition is now popular in regions around the world. For example, “sauna en Canada” is a popular google search query. Today, we have more home sauna variants than ever in the market. Scandia’s barrel saunas are one of the most innovative designs in the sauna industry.
Their cylindrical shape allows rapid convection as the heat is circulated upside down. Not only do these outdoor barrel saunas offer an affordable way to add a touch of creativity to your backyard design, bu
Besides their innovative design, both the Barrel Sauna Kit with Canopy and Classic Barrel Sauna Kit complement state of the art technology with a touch of warmth. The full glass door and a WiFi heater controller only make it irresistible.
The features include:
● Size available from 72"W x 47"D x 77"H to 84"W x 96"D x 77"H.
● It is possible to size it to fit from 2 to 8 people.
● Upgrades are available to include full glass doors and/or a gas heating unit. All barrel sauna models include the Wi-Fi heater controller.
Are barrel saunas kits any good?
How much does an outdoor barrel sauna cost?
Do barrel saunas work in winter?
You may know that barrel saunas can operate exceptionally well in climates where it does not get below freezing temperatures. What you may not know is that barrel saunas are also able to operate in climates that experience more snowfall. The reason for that is that the snow acts as exterior insulation. If in warmer temperatures you are using a tempo of 10 to 15 minutes in a session then in winters the suggested tempo of a sauna session is to heat up for 20 to 25 minutes inside. You may then prefer to cool down outside of the sauna like a true Finnish by hopping into the shower or jumping into a nearby lake. There are a few things to consider which will make your winter sauna experience worth while:
● The size of the sauna should be appropriate. It should not be too small but, it should not be too big also. Do consider how you will use the sauna, with how many people and how much space you have to work with.
● The type of heater should be well thought out. Again, this depends on how you will be using the sauna. For instance, electric heaters are ideal for smaller saunas as they are unable to handle the heat from a wood stove heater. Infrared saunas lose heat rather quickly when compared to a wood stove heater. Bottom line, do your research to maximize the results of your home sauna in winters.
How do you maintain a barrel sauna?
Can you put a barrel sauna kit in a garage?
Yes, you can absolutely place the barrel sauna in your garage. The benefit of this is that in the winter months, it might take longer for a barrel sauna to heat up fully in a relatively colder location as a backyard. Although a garage is also an uninsulated location, it is mostly a more covered space than the backyard so, the outdoor sauna will be heated up relatively quickly. Infrared barrel saunas are also possible to be placed in the garage. Infrared light is like the heat of the sun. However, for an infrared barrel sauna, it is important to make sure the door is not opened too many times during a sauna session as that will make it lose heat relatively faster.
Here are a few tips for use:
● Install a Himalayan salt wall or a LED light bar for ambiance.
● Turn a small area inside the home sauna as a changing room. This will prevent any dust which is possible to enter from the garage area when guests enter on foot.
● Prepare the floor of the garage for the barrel sauna.
● Install correctly so your home sauna is not a fire hazard. Pay special attention to the wiring.